My Top Organization Hacks For A Simple, Organized Life


If you’re anything like me, then you’ll appreciate a simple and organised life. A few years ago, my life became very hectic and I found myself becoming easily overwhelmed. There are many things I did to help to solve this, including starting meditation (you can read my post about meditation here) and completely overhauling the organisation in my life. I believe that by being organized, we can achieve more and stress less. That’s why I want to share with you my favourite organization hacks for a simple, organized life. Let’s dive in!

  • Keep A Schedule

One of the best organization hacks that has worked for me is keeping a schedule. A schedule helps me stay on track with my day-to-day activities, whether it’s work, exercise, or running errands. I use a planner or a digital calendar to keep track of everything I need to do. I also make sure to prioritize my tasks based on their level of importance.

  • Create A Morning Routine

Starting your day on the right foot is essential, and having a morning routine is a great way to do that. I recommend creating a routine that works for you, whether it’s waking up at the same time every day, doing some light stretching, or having a cup of coffee. By having a consistent morning routine, you’ll be setting yourself up for success and reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed or stressed throughout the day.

  • Declutter Regularly

Clutter can be a significant source of stress, and that’s why it’s essential to declutter regularly. I like to go through my belongings every few months and get rid of anything I no longer need or use. I find that this helps me feel more organized and in control of my environment. It also makes it easier to find the things I need and prevents me from accumulating too much stuff.

  • Use Containers and Labels

Containers and labels are organization hacks that can make a significant difference in your life. I use containers to keep similar items together and labels to make it easy to find what I need. For example, I have a container for all my workout gear, and each container is labeled with the type of gear inside. This makes it easy for me to find what I need when I’m getting ready to work out.

  • Create To-Do Lists

Last but not least, creating to-do lists is an excellent way to stay organized. I like to create a to-do list for each day, prioritizing the most important tasks at the top. I find that this helps me stay focused on what I need to do and prevents me from getting sidetracked by less critical tasks. It also feels good to check off items as I complete them, giving me a sense of accomplishment and progress.

  • Use a Whiteboard or Chalkboard

A whiteboard or chalkboard is an excellent way to keep track of important information or reminders. I like to use a small whiteboard (I can’t do chalkboards!) in my kitchen to write down my grocery list or to leave a note for my family members. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep everyone on the same page and prevent miscommunication. It also stops me from forgetting key bits of information!

  • Practice Time Blocking

Time blocking is a method of scheduling your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks. For example, you might schedule 9 am to 10 am for emails, 10 am to 12 pm for work-related tasks, and 1 pm to 2 pm for exercise. By dedicating specific blocks of time to tasks, you can stay focused and minimize distractions. It also helps you make the most of your time and avoid wasting it on unimportant tasks.

  • Use a Timer

Using a timer is a great way to stay focused and avoid procrastination. I like to set a timer for a specific task, such as cleaning or organizing, and challenge myself to complete it within the allotted time. It keeps me motivated and helps me stay on task. It’s also a great way to make tasks more manageable and prevent burnout.

Being organized is key to living a simple and stress-free life. By following my above advice and coming up with some of your own hacks to suit your life, you can stay on top of your day-to-day activities and reduce the feeling of overwhelm. These organization hacks have worked for me, and I hope they’ll work for you too. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so don’t be afraid to start small and build on your progress. Here’s to a simpler, more organized life!

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